Sunday, October 15, 2017

Tourism Work-Place Documents Assessment Task

Monday 16 October's Learning

Welcome back to Term 4! I hope you have had a restful break. This term will go by very quickly, and as discussed in class at the end of Term 3 this first week back at school will be focused around completing the assessment task for the Unit Standard: 23761. Read and comprehend work-related documents in English for a tourism workplace. This L2 Unit Standard is 3 credits.

The assessment task is in your Hapara workspace and you can go straight to here by clicking on this link Tourism Assessment Task

Stay focused, and remember the internal assessment conditions apply to help us all complete the assessment  in a positive and considerate manner.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Go Canada/Alaska

Monday 14 August's Learning

This week we are continuing to work with the whole tourism brochure Go Canada/Alaska. We will be focusing our work around being able to read  and correctly interpret information across the whole document.
Each section has an easily identifiable heading and this will allow you to be able to use the contents page to locate that specific section quickly.

All of this work is in the Hapara workspace.
Interpreting Information

We will spend some of the lesson going over what is required for this task. Then you will be able to work at your own pace to complete the task.

LI: We are learning to locate, read and correctly interpret information using a workplace document.

SC: I can use the headings and the contents page to locate information.
SC: I can use the key words in the questions to help me know what is being asked.
SC: I can skim and scan the correct pages to locate the specific detail that is required.
SC: I can express this information accurately and correctly.

Remember to check your work before you submit it for marking. Peer reading and checking is a valuable tool to help you proof read to edit your work.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Go Canada/Alaska

Monday 7 August's Learning

This week we are learning to work with and use a complete tourism workplace document to read and understand. We will use this document to build up our skills in reading and correctly interpreting information, use a contents and index page, and understand tourism jargon, abbreviations and technical language.

Lesson Sequence

All of this work, related link, resources and tasks for the required document are in the  Hapara workspace.
We will spend some time making sure that we all know how to navigate around this document and the first task gives you the opportunity to do just that. Go to the link below to take you to this work space.

Go Canada/Alaska Tourism Document

Sunday, July 30, 2017

A Perfect day in Whistler.

Monday 31 July's Learning

We are continuing to work on reading and correctly interpreting information with in a document. This week we are going to be using the Canada and Alaska Travel brochure as our main text.
 Remember we are working to compile a portfolio showing that you are able to read and understand a range of documents in the tourism industry.

LI: We are learning to read and correctly interpret information in a document from a travel brochure.

SC: I can actively and independently read the 'Perfect day in Whistler' text
SC: I can locate specific information in the text.
SC: I can use full sentences and small paragraphs in my written answer.
SC: I can proof read and edit my work before I submit it for marking.

Lesson Sequence

Brief feedback from the Introduction Information activity and the marking system.
Key skill is in re-reading the required text for all of the information and expressing it in sentence format.
Look at what the question is asking you to find out about.

Begin next opportunity with the new text, 'A perfect day in Whistler'

You will have a paper copy of the text in class to use.
Your response form is in Task in Hapara

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Proof Reading and Editing

 Wednesday 7 June's Learning

Today we are going to focus on crafting your short report. This process will involve careful proof reading and editing to make sure your work is ready for submission, marking and the moderation process.

You will need to make sure that you have checked your report against the marking criteria to make sure it meets the required standard to gain an achieved grade.


The report must be:

  • Accurate in detail
  • Clear in meaning
  • Complete and concise
  • The content is in logical order with headings.

Editing tools can include peer editing, getting them to focus on what you think needs checking in your report. Make sure that you pay close attention to basic punctuation.

Those of you who have not been away on school related trips will need to aim to have your work submitted on Friday 9 June.

Those of you who were away, will be submitting your work on Friday 16 June.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Main Ideas

Tuesday 30 May's learning

Today we are going to be looking at and discussing the main ideas or issues that the film, 'Fritters' raises. There are issues around conflict between parents, and effect of this on young children. There are issues around how we react to people and stereotyping.

Today in groups you will discuss and record your ideas, and these notes will form  the basis of the last paragraph in your report on this film.

LI: We are learning to identify, describe and explain the main issues that the film makes us think about.

SC: I have identified one main idea from the film to describe and explain in a written paragraph.
SC: I have  written a thoughtful response about this issue.
SC:I can  make links to how I think this issue is present in our own society.
SC: I can re-read and edit my work, paying attention to basic punctuation skills.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Film Techniques

Monday  29 May's learning


FILM TECHNIQUES- The fritter scene.

We are continuing to work to complete the analysis of the scene where the Bag Lady cooks Claude fritters as they sit and chat together on the street. The director uses a range of film techniques to show how Claude is lucky that he encounters her, and not some dangerous situation in his adventure down K Road.
The director also challenges us to think beyond the obvious, and see how people can make a very real connection even though they are very different. The director also challenges the stereotyping  of homeless people.

LI: I can identify, describe and explain the effects of a range of film techniques used in this scene.

SC: I can identify  two film techniques to  describe and explain how they show the meaningful connection between these two unlikely characters.

SC: I can use supporting evidence in my written paragraph.

SC : I can make thoughtful comments about the issue of stereotyping  people, or judging them on their appearance in my paragraph.

I have smart shared in your English folder a copy of the notes, document called  ( Character notes- Film Techniques) we did together last week about this scene. You may wish to add more.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The main characters, a real contrast.

Wednesday 24 May's learning

Today in P2 we are going to view the part of the film that shows both the main characters and the interactions they have. They are  both very different, almost from two different worlds, yet they get on, and experience a very real and connecting experience. It would be easy to dismiss the Bag Lady as some old street weirdo, but the film encourages us to look past the obvious to see how caring and gentle she is with Claude.

LI: We are learning to analyse a scene that has its focus on the main characters.

SC: I can identify and describe the key elements in this scene
SC: I can explain the effects of the camera work in this scene.
SC: I can make thoughtful conclusions about the issues of stereotyping people.
SC: I can write a comprehensive paragraph using supporting detail and evidence.

We will then work towards the last paragraph which is based around the issues that the film presents or makes us think about.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Second Scene: Bright lights. Big City

Monday 15 May

Today we are going to view another scene form the short film 'Fritters'. We are going to look at the scene where Claude leaves the safety of the office building and moves down into K. Road. This scene will provide us all with another opportunity to identify a  range of different film techniques that you can analyse for the 2nd paragraph about film techniques for your report.

LI: We are learning to analyse a range of film techniques and how they contribute to the meaning of the film.

SC: I can identify some different film techniques in the K. Road scene.
SC: I can describe and explain the effect of my selected technique
SC: I can write a paragraph showing how this film technique helps the viewer to understand the issues facing the main character Claude.

You will continue to use the same format for this paragraph and the big planning sheets you have developed with your partner will be a big help.

Remember to re-read and edit your work as you go. Paying attention to this will help you with the accuracy of your report.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Film Techniques used in 'Fritters'

Wednesday 10 May

Great work yesterday everyone. I read some very good  examples of  the  synopsis of our short film. At the start of the period you will have time to complete this work, some of you need to re-read and edit your work, taking care with basic punctuation.  Paying attention to this part of your report writing now will save you time later on as we craft our work ready for the marking and feedback process.

Then we are going to move into writing the next paragraph, that will focus on the film techniques used in the film. You will discuss two different techniques. We are going to focus on the office scene.

Your group planning document is going to be very useful when we are doing this.

LI: We are learning g to analyse some of the film techniques used in the short film 'Fritters'.
SC: I can identify and describe one film technique  the director has used.
SC: I can discuss how this is effective and how it contributes to the meaning of the film.


Sunday, May 7, 2017

Developing the short report

Sunday 7 May

Monday 8 May

Today's lesson.

We are going to start writing  the short report based around the short film 'Fritters'. This task will prepare you for the assessment task for the US: 3492. You will have opportunities to work together and discuss your ideas with a partner or in the small groups you are currently working in. I will give you feedback as you are working.

LI:  Is to write a concise and accurate  synopsis of the film  'Fritters'

SC: I have introduced the film and have the correct facts about the film.( director, writer, actors)
SC: I have outlined clearly the main events in the film.
SC: I have begun to re-read and edit my work.

This work is in Hapara.

Task : Hapara

Monday, May 1, 2017

'Fritters' and The short Report

Tuesday 2 May

Today we are going to work in groups with a big sheet of paper to record your ideas about the short film 'Fritters' written and directed by Karyn Childs and directed by Leela Menon

Link to the K'Rd Stories

'Fritters' was one of 10 stories, you will need to scroll down to view this film.

LI: We are learning identify the main ideas and techniques used in a short film.

SC: I can contribute my ideas to the group in a positive way.
SC: I can identify and describe some specific film techniques used effectively in the film.

We will be developing some areas that we can specifically respond to. Some areas I'd like  you to think about would be;

Film techniques:- what did you notice?

Can you identify specific techniques that have been used in the film?
( think about costumes, props, lighting sound, music for example)

Setting: What was interesting? How does it show the 'big smoke' environment.

Characters: Were they engaging?

The interactions between the characters: What clues about their  lives did this reveal?

Theme: What is the message here in this film?
How could this be linked to the last piece of music in the film?

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Practice Assessment Question for US:2989

Monday 20 March

This week we are going to concentrate on getting  ready for ready for the assessment for US: 2989. Select, read, and assess texts to gain knowledge. (3 credits.)

This means that you will have a question to investigate, or find out information about. You will try and do this task meeting the criteria in the response format as independently as possible. We will work in assessment conditions to prepare you for the assessment.

When you have completed the response and have checked your work, I will give you some feedback on it. This will make sure that you know exactly what to do during the assessment when you will be expected to carry out the task completely independently.

I am also available for tutorials at Monday 20 March lunch time and Tuesday March at lunchtime if you need any extra help.

This work is in the Hapara workspace.

Select read, and assess texts.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Selecting and Assessing Your Own Text

Sunday 5 March

This week we are going to continue to build our skills in selecting and assessing texts using the response format for the US: 2989. We worked on this together in class last week using our work on Steve Biko, and why he was important to South Africa,

We went over what is needed to complete the form correctly and we also discussed the need for specific detail to meet the evidence requirements for all sections.

Now you are going to select your own text using the internet, and  work independently to complete this task. All of the task, the summary sheet and the response sheet has been put into a Hapara workspace for you.

We will go over the task together in P1 on Monday so you are clear about what you need to do.
When you have completed and checked your work you will submit for feedback

This will enable me to see how your skills are developing and what further assistance you may need before you are ready to decide on your own topic to investigate

Hapara workspace link

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Responding To Texts Using the Format for US: 2989

Thursday 2 March

Today we are going to begin to learn how to respond to a text using the format that is required for the US: 2989.You will use this format when you are selecting  and responding to your own texts.

You will also learn to become familiar with the terms, credible, current, and useful when you are critically assessing texts. Today we are going to go through this process using the text we have been working with and you have completed your summary on. This is the text about Steve Biko. You already know it well, and just need to learn to respond using this format.

LI: We are learning how to critically access texts and respond using the format for US: 2989

SC: I can identify each section of the response format for US: 2989
SC: I can identify and say why the text is useful, credible and current.
SC: I can identify and use specific evidence to support my opinion.

I have shared with you the response sheet that we will be working with today. Please make a copy and put it into your US 2989 folder. You will also need to have open in another tab, the Steve Biko text that we have been working with this week.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Steve Biko and Why is he so important to South Africa?

Sunday 26 February

Last week we continued to develop our summarizing skills. I'd like you to complete this activity in your own time, now as we need to move on. I will give you some feedback on your skills in writing a summary as this is an essential skill for being able to work with a range of reading material for the US: 2989. Select, read, and assess, texts to gain knowledge.

We watched most of the first part of the documentary Patu, about the Springbok tour and now we are going to look into the significance of Steve Biko to this protest in New Zealand. This background reading and viewing will help you understand the events in South Africa under an apartheid system and in turn how this influenced New Zealanders to protest as they did.

Patu, The documentary of the Springbok Tour

You may wish to re view. It certainly was challenging viewing especially where it appears there is shooting into the crowd. It grabbed my attention, and now we are going to investigate why in New Zealand people would role play such a violent event.

The question that you are going to research is; Who was Steve Biko and why is he so important to South Africa?

In the web site there is a range of information and some video footage about Steve Biko. You may find this interesting and will help you build up an understanding of what the apartheid system was like and the growing world wide resistance and protest at these type of policies.
Steve Biko

Read the account of his death while in Police custody.

Police Brutality In South Africa

I would like you to use the summary sheet again as this will give you another opportunity to further develop these skills. Make a copy of the summary sheet and put into your reading skills folder.

Summary Sheet

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

New Zealand in 1981

Thursday 16/2/17

We are beginning to explore what the social and political atmosphere in New Zealand in 1981 the year the film 'Smash Palace' was released was like. We are going to look at the events that happened during the Springbok Tour in New Zealand in 1981.

LI: We are working to develop our understanding of the social and political atmosphere in New Zealand during 1981.

SC: I can contribute my ideas and opinions to these issues in a thoughtful and respectful manner.
       I can write a brief  summary about one identified area.
       I can use the summary sheet structure to help me.

Lesson Sequence

U tube clip from the veteran protester Bob Marley

Web Site to work from to complete the summary sheet

Springbok Tour
Summary Sheet

Monday, February 13, 2017

"Smash Palace" Responding to the film

Tuesday 14/2 February

Y12 P5

Silent Reading: 10 minutes
Free Writing ( I will explain this )

'Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence' - Erich Fromm

LI: We are learning to develop our responses to the film "Smash Palace"

SC:I can respond in a thoughtful and respectful manner
SC: I can begin to make links to the wider issues that the film raises.
SC: I can begin to think about a possible issue that I may wish to investigate further.

Thanks for your contributions to yesterdays discussion about this issues that the film raises. Today we are going to continue to respond to the film. I 'd like for you all to now respond individually in a thoughtful manner about the film.