Monday, February 13, 2017

"Smash Palace" Responding to the film

Tuesday 14/2 February

Y12 P5

Silent Reading: 10 minutes
Free Writing ( I will explain this )

'Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence' - Erich Fromm

LI: We are learning to develop our responses to the film "Smash Palace"

SC:I can respond in a thoughtful and respectful manner
SC: I can begin to make links to the wider issues that the film raises.
SC: I can begin to think about a possible issue that I may wish to investigate further.

Thanks for your contributions to yesterdays discussion about this issues that the film raises. Today we are going to continue to respond to the film. I 'd like for you all to now respond individually in a thoughtful manner about the film.

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