Sunday, May 28, 2017

Film Techniques

Monday  29 May's learning


FILM TECHNIQUES- The fritter scene.

We are continuing to work to complete the analysis of the scene where the Bag Lady cooks Claude fritters as they sit and chat together on the street. The director uses a range of film techniques to show how Claude is lucky that he encounters her, and not some dangerous situation in his adventure down K Road.
The director also challenges us to think beyond the obvious, and see how people can make a very real connection even though they are very different. The director also challenges the stereotyping  of homeless people.

LI: I can identify, describe and explain the effects of a range of film techniques used in this scene.

SC: I can identify  two film techniques to  describe and explain how they show the meaningful connection between these two unlikely characters.

SC: I can use supporting evidence in my written paragraph.

SC : I can make thoughtful comments about the issue of stereotyping  people, or judging them on their appearance in my paragraph.

I have smart shared in your English folder a copy of the notes, document called  ( Character notes- Film Techniques) we did together last week about this scene. You may wish to add more.

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