Sunday, May 14, 2017

Second Scene: Bright lights. Big City

Monday 15 May

Today we are going to view another scene form the short film 'Fritters'. We are going to look at the scene where Claude leaves the safety of the office building and moves down into K. Road. This scene will provide us all with another opportunity to identify a  range of different film techniques that you can analyse for the 2nd paragraph about film techniques for your report.

LI: We are learning to analyse a range of film techniques and how they contribute to the meaning of the film.

SC: I can identify some different film techniques in the K. Road scene.
SC: I can describe and explain the effect of my selected technique
SC: I can write a paragraph showing how this film technique helps the viewer to understand the issues facing the main character Claude.

You will continue to use the same format for this paragraph and the big planning sheets you have developed with your partner will be a big help.

Remember to re-read and edit your work as you go. Paying attention to this will help you with the accuracy of your report.

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