Monday, May 1, 2017

'Fritters' and The short Report

Tuesday 2 May

Today we are going to work in groups with a big sheet of paper to record your ideas about the short film 'Fritters' written and directed by Karyn Childs and directed by Leela Menon

Link to the K'Rd Stories

'Fritters' was one of 10 stories, you will need to scroll down to view this film.

LI: We are learning identify the main ideas and techniques used in a short film.

SC: I can contribute my ideas to the group in a positive way.
SC: I can identify and describe some specific film techniques used effectively in the film.

We will be developing some areas that we can specifically respond to. Some areas I'd like  you to think about would be;

Film techniques:- what did you notice?

Can you identify specific techniques that have been used in the film?
( think about costumes, props, lighting sound, music for example)

Setting: What was interesting? How does it show the 'big smoke' environment.

Characters: Were they engaging?

The interactions between the characters: What clues about their  lives did this reveal?

Theme: What is the message here in this film?
How could this be linked to the last piece of music in the film?

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