Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The main characters, a real contrast.

Wednesday 24 May's learning

Today in P2 we are going to view the part of the film that shows both the main characters and the interactions they have. They are  both very different, almost from two different worlds, yet they get on, and experience a very real and connecting experience. It would be easy to dismiss the Bag Lady as some old street weirdo, but the film encourages us to look past the obvious to see how caring and gentle she is with Claude.

LI: We are learning to analyse a scene that has its focus on the main characters.

SC: I can identify and describe the key elements in this scene
SC: I can explain the effects of the camera work in this scene.
SC: I can make thoughtful conclusions about the issues of stereotyping people.
SC: I can write a comprehensive paragraph using supporting detail and evidence.

We will then work towards the last paragraph which is based around the issues that the film presents or makes us think about.

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