Monday, May 29, 2017

Main Ideas

Tuesday 30 May's learning

Today we are going to be looking at and discussing the main ideas or issues that the film, 'Fritters' raises. There are issues around conflict between parents, and effect of this on young children. There are issues around how we react to people and stereotyping.

Today in groups you will discuss and record your ideas, and these notes will form  the basis of the last paragraph in your report on this film.

LI: We are learning to identify, describe and explain the main issues that the film makes us think about.

SC: I have identified one main idea from the film to describe and explain in a written paragraph.
SC: I have  written a thoughtful response about this issue.
SC:I can  make links to how I think this issue is present in our own society.
SC: I can re-read and edit my work, paying attention to basic punctuation skills.

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