Sunday, July 30, 2017

A Perfect day in Whistler.

Monday 31 July's Learning

We are continuing to work on reading and correctly interpreting information with in a document. This week we are going to be using the Canada and Alaska Travel brochure as our main text.
 Remember we are working to compile a portfolio showing that you are able to read and understand a range of documents in the tourism industry.

LI: We are learning to read and correctly interpret information in a document from a travel brochure.

SC: I can actively and independently read the 'Perfect day in Whistler' text
SC: I can locate specific information in the text.
SC: I can use full sentences and small paragraphs in my written answer.
SC: I can proof read and edit my work before I submit it for marking.

Lesson Sequence

Brief feedback from the Introduction Information activity and the marking system.
Key skill is in re-reading the required text for all of the information and expressing it in sentence format.
Look at what the question is asking you to find out about.

Begin next opportunity with the new text, 'A perfect day in Whistler'

You will have a paper copy of the text in class to use.
Your response form is in Task in Hapara

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