Saturday, February 25, 2017

Steve Biko and Why is he so important to South Africa?

Sunday 26 February

Last week we continued to develop our summarizing skills. I'd like you to complete this activity in your own time, now as we need to move on. I will give you some feedback on your skills in writing a summary as this is an essential skill for being able to work with a range of reading material for the US: 2989. Select, read, and assess, texts to gain knowledge.

We watched most of the first part of the documentary Patu, about the Springbok tour and now we are going to look into the significance of Steve Biko to this protest in New Zealand. This background reading and viewing will help you understand the events in South Africa under an apartheid system and in turn how this influenced New Zealanders to protest as they did.

Patu, The documentary of the Springbok Tour

You may wish to re view. It certainly was challenging viewing especially where it appears there is shooting into the crowd. It grabbed my attention, and now we are going to investigate why in New Zealand people would role play such a violent event.

The question that you are going to research is; Who was Steve Biko and why is he so important to South Africa?

In the web site there is a range of information and some video footage about Steve Biko. You may find this interesting and will help you build up an understanding of what the apartheid system was like and the growing world wide resistance and protest at these type of policies.
Steve Biko

Read the account of his death while in Police custody.

Police Brutality In South Africa

I would like you to use the summary sheet again as this will give you another opportunity to further develop these skills. Make a copy of the summary sheet and put into your reading skills folder.

Summary Sheet

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

New Zealand in 1981

Thursday 16/2/17

We are beginning to explore what the social and political atmosphere in New Zealand in 1981 the year the film 'Smash Palace' was released was like. We are going to look at the events that happened during the Springbok Tour in New Zealand in 1981.

LI: We are working to develop our understanding of the social and political atmosphere in New Zealand during 1981.

SC: I can contribute my ideas and opinions to these issues in a thoughtful and respectful manner.
       I can write a brief  summary about one identified area.
       I can use the summary sheet structure to help me.

Lesson Sequence

U tube clip from the veteran protester Bob Marley

Web Site to work from to complete the summary sheet

Springbok Tour
Summary Sheet

Monday, February 13, 2017

"Smash Palace" Responding to the film

Tuesday 14/2 February

Y12 P5

Silent Reading: 10 minutes
Free Writing ( I will explain this )

'Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence' - Erich Fromm

LI: We are learning to develop our responses to the film "Smash Palace"

SC:I can respond in a thoughtful and respectful manner
SC: I can begin to make links to the wider issues that the film raises.
SC: I can begin to think about a possible issue that I may wish to investigate further.

Thanks for your contributions to yesterdays discussion about this issues that the film raises. Today we are going to continue to respond to the film. I 'd like for you all to now respond individually in a thoughtful manner about the film.